


Technological innovation achievements

Year Technological innovation achievements
2016 The third batch of technological innovation projects in Shandong Province【WIN130Modular construction of hull, automatic centering robot equipment research and development】
2016 technological innovation project for energy saving and emission reduction 【construction of robot equipment with six degree of freedom subsection 】
2015 the support program for blue industry leader talent team 【Modular construction of hull, automatic centering robot equipment research and development】
2014 Talent Development Project of Blue Economic Zone in Shandong Peninsula 【Intelligent digital printing workshop】
2014 subsidy scheme for innovation demonstration project of university-industry cooperation in Weihai city【Research and development and industrialization of digital printer】
2014 key project of improving quality , efficiency and upgrading for Shandong Province【 Technical transformation of production line for CR high speed digital printer】
2013 Special fund for development of small and medium enterprises【Technical transformation for Weifeng High-spedd digital printer】
2013 development fund for small and medium-sized enterprise in local characteristic industry【WIN924 conversion of four-color offset press】
2013 Special fund for the construction of foreign trade public service platform【public service platform for digital printing research and development】
2013 Special project for development of intelligent manufacturing equipment 【Intelligent digital printing workshop】
2012 National new key products 【win924 four-color offset press】
2012 2013 Special fund project for small and medium enterprises【high-speed four-color offset press for large format】
2011 Technical transformation project of central industrial small and medium enterprises 【offset press】
2010 2011 science development plan in Shandong Province 【win924 four-color offset press】
2009 Technical transformation project of central industrial small and medium enterprises【Small open multi-color offset press】
2007、2009、2011 Technology innovation program【win924 four-color offset press、B330 Adhesive label printing machine】
2007 2011 Torch Program【Computer bill printer、win924 four-color offset press】
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