

  • GSC machining center can provide various OEM service, such as precise aluminum alloy parts, precise

    GSC machining center can provide various OEM service, such as precise aluminum alloy parts, precise stainless steel parts, precise alloy steel and carbon steel parts, precise copper alloy parts processing, assembly parts of finished products and semi-finished products, non-standard mechanical parts and so on.
  • perfect quality testing

  • high machining precision

    More than 80% of GSC numerical control machine tool are imported machines. Processing accuracy is less than 0.005 mm and ancillary attachments can meet the needs of the all kinds of precise processing.
  • precise processing craft

    GSC numerical control processing has its own processing craft team. Before processing, avoiding the design problem to the greatest extent and know both ourselves and our adversaries.
  • superior raw material

    GSC numerical control processing is the only enterprise that raw material is the core of the experiment standard. We believe that good raw material can ensure the working life and mechanical properties.
  • customized processing

    GSC numerical control has a design and processing team with rich experience and it can provide a processing solution for complex and high precision parts.
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