

Name:Mechanical Engineer Type:full-time Recruiting numbers:2people Release date:2017.05.11

Position statement

Mainly responsible for the company's new product development and design, tracking, maintenance, improvement of old products and other work.

Job requirements

1.Under the age of 40, bachelor degree or above, more than three years related work experience is preferred. 2.Proficient in production process, mechanical design. 3.Knowledge of equipment performance and production management. 4.With the ability of mechanical design, familiar with CAD and other graphics software and process software. 5.Strong ability of innovation and communication, good professionalism. Ability to write design requirements into materials, knowledge of mechanical manufacturing and related software applications.
Name:sales personnel Type:part-time Recruiting numbers:3people Release date:2017.05.09

Position statement

Responsible for the sales and promotion of the company's products, channel promotion, sales and marketing expanding at home and abroad, etc.

Job requirements

1.Under the age of 40, bachelor degree or above, more than three years related work experience is preferred. 2.Proficient in production process, mechanical design. 3.Knowledge of equipment performance and production management. 4.With the ability of mechanical design, familiar with CAD and other graphics software and process software. 5.Strong ability of innovation and communication, good professionalism. 6.Ability to write design requirements into materials, knowledge of mechanical manufacturing and related software applications.
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