

  • salary system

    Shandong GSC group pays competitive salaries and benefits for high-ability employees. Differentiation encourages employees to give full play to their own ability in this outstanding stag that the group provides and achieve a win-win situation for companie
  • employee security system

    1. Pay social insurance and housing provident fund in full accordance with the regulations. 2. Enjoy statutory holidays, paid annual leave and five weeks' work in accordance with the law. 3. Provide work meals, transportation subsidies, communicat
  • employee reward system

    1. Conduct monthly / quarterly / yearly performance review and give monthly / quarterly / annual performance bonus to the employees according to the result of the assessment. 2. Project bonus. 3. every year, according to the selection, establishing outs
  • supplementary welfare system

    1. Holiday welfare, all kinds of holiday, etc. ( wedding leave with pay/home leave/maternity leave/nursing leave/funeral leave). Respect for employee’s diversity and individual needs. 2. As the enterprise continues to grow, it pays attention to the profe
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