

Weihai GSC Automobile Service Co., Ltd

Weihai GSC Automobile Service Co., Ltd is a very important part of large automobile industry of GSC group. The company is located on the opposite of Qunyi vehicle inspection in Torch Hi-Tech Science Park. The location is very excellent. It is a special automobile service company faced to high and mid grade cars. The company owns office and maintenance shop, coving an area of 1500 square meters. There is a independent parking lot, covering an area of 600 square meters. All kinds of equipments, like lifting machine, four wheel positioning, beam correction device and baking finish house are available. The company is equipped with maintenance qualification for second-class cars. It is a large comprehensive automobile service company with well-fund. And it is a designated vehicle maintenance enterprise for accident vehicle. The company is equipped with the complete sets of imported testing and maintenance equipments, a large professional automobile maintenance team, a professional rescue team. The company adopts the standard management system and normal employee training to make sure the maintenance technology keep pace with the times. With the highest standard, the company is strict with itself and stirve to establish a new benchmark. Our company establishes a business system that the automobile maintenance is the main body and auto quick repair, detection and diagnosis, annual verification and insurance, beauty maintenance and fast rescue are complementary. Our service purpose is “Your trust is our responsibility” and  provides sincere service for every customer.

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