

Weihai GSC Printing Co., Ltd

Weihai GSC Printing Co., Ltd was established in 2016 and is attached to GSC group. It is located in No.1, Hengtai Steet, Hi-tech Development Zone, Weihai City, Shandong Province. The building area is 1620 square meters. The company mainly produces high-quality presswork and is occupied in the printing of color box packaging, enterprise samples, reticule, specification, brand label, adhesive sticker, poster and desk calendar.  It is a printing enterprise with design, platemaking, printing, binding and layout. service idea of enterprise: opening up, innovation, high quality, efficiency. Historical origin can date back to the beginning of 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the period of British lease, GSC bookstore is the biggest bookstore in the region of Weihaiwei.  In addition to the distribution of books, GSC bookstore also is engaged in printing business, like the book of “green bag” is equipped with highly collecting value. Weihai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd and Weihai GSC Group are all subject to Shandong GSC group. Weihai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd is a famous manufacturer of printing machinery and  its products provide a solid hardware basis. Years of industry experience is valuable experience for printing company.

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